Home is our most valued possession and in today’s risky world guarding the home is our first priority. It is important to save our home from a misshape that might occur on account of fire, theft, burglary, intrusion etc. Housing is a state subject but the union government is responsible for the formulation of policy with regard to programme and approaches for effective implementation of the social housing schemes, particularly those pertaining to the weaker sections of the society. One of the important problems for the failure of many developing countries to mitigate the housing problem was the lack of understanding of the underlying causes, ramifications, dimensions and implications of the problem and the resultant misguided policies and approaches to the problem. Provision of adequate housing facilities to the Indian citizens is one of the right steps towards the constitutional goal of social equality. House is a basic necessity. Every one whether rich or poor, whether in rural area or urban area, needs a house to protect his life and property and also to promote his well being. All major urban centers in our country are suffering from maladies of poor housing environment which are generally referred to as slums. In India the housing problem is at a very high magnitude. In order to ameliorate the housing problem Cooperative Housing Societies were organized and acknowledged as best situated organization. The membership of the Cooperative Housing represent all sections of community like artisans, skilled and unskilled workers, farmers, white color jobbers, businessmen, doctors, engineers etc., irrespective of their income, caste, creed, language and religion. The loan for the borrowers is disbursed in three stages namely basement, lintel and RCC.