Pancytopenia [1-3] is a common clinico-hematological entity encountered in day-to-day clinical practice. Pancytopenia refers to a disorder in which all three elements of the blood (RBCs, WBCs and Platelets) are lower in counts than normal. Thus, it is not a disease entity by itself, but rather a triad of findings. It is a primarily or secondarily affecting bone marrow manifesting and lead to various hematological derangements, which is reflected in the peripheral blood smear as pancytopenia.
Materials & Methods: A cross sectional study was taken up among fifty patients with a hematological diagnosis of pancytopenia during the period, August 2020 to August 2022, in the Department of Pathology, SVS Medical College and hospital, Mahabubnagar. Patients between age group 18-60 with hematological evidence of pancytopenia were included in the study. Two ml of anticoagulated blood was collected for complete hemogram. The peripheral smear was studied after staining with Leishman’s stain. Bone marrow aspiration was done to establish the etiological diagnosis. Results: Hypercellular bone marrow was observed in 38 patients and it was normo- cellular in 7 patients. Most common etiology noted was megaloblastic anemia (48.9%), followed by nutritional anemia (22.2%), hypersplenism (13.3%), leukemia (6.7%), myelodysplastic syndromes (2.2%) and others (6.6%). Normocellular marrow was seen in (8%) megaloblastic anemia, (4%) hypersplenism and 2% in nutritional anemia. Conclusion: The most common cause of pancytopenia is megaloblastic anemia followed by nutritional anemia.