Introduction: WHO defines Adolescence as the segment of life between the ages of 10-19 years. The importance of adolescent girls is because they are future mothers tomorrow.So they should be given care in terms of health, nutrition and education. The health problems of adolescents are very different from those of younger children and adults. Majority of adolescents still do not have access to information on reproductive health and rights, nor do they have access to preventive and curative services.The aim and objective of this study was to study the morbidity pattern among the adolescent girls in rural areas of Aligarh. Material and Methods: The present study was conducted in Rural Health Training Centre, Jawan, of Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, AMU, Aligarh .A semi structured questionnaire was used to collect data from October-November, 2013. A total of 100 adolescent girls, 10-19 years of age, of Jawan village, formed the target group.We had taken those adolescent girls for study who had attained menarche. An informed consent was taken from them. A detailed history was taken regarding present and past illness.General and systemic examination was done. Anthropoemetric measurements were taken. Results Most of the girls had some menstrual problem in the form of dysmenorrhoea or irregular cycles or pattern of bleeding etc.This was followed by pediculosis and white discharge per vaginum or burning during micturition .Dental caries was found in 30% of them and 20% had URTI.60% had mild anaemia, 25% had moderate anaemia and 5% had severe anaemia. 53% of girls were of normal BMI, 44% of them were underweight, 2% were overweight and 1% obese. Conclusion: The health and nutritional status of adolescent girls is very poor in rural areas.It is because of gender discrimination in the families.Regular health check –ups and periodical examination in the schools and families should be done by health workers.Health education programme on hygiene and common diseases have to be carried out in the schools and health centres.De-worming should be done on a mass level at regular intervals.Adolescent clinics should be opened in the health centres.