Background: Anaemia is defined as, decrease in the total red cell mass. Anaemia is defined by the World Health Organization as a reduction of haematocrit value below the normal limits. Hyperlipidmia is associated with low body iron stores according to some epidemiological studies. This study was designed to compare lipid profile of iron deficiency anaemia and non iron deficiency anaemia
Material and methods: This was an observational cross-sectional descriptive study which was conducted during a period of 18 months (October 2016 and March 2018)
Results: Study included a total of 200 subjects of which 100 cases of iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) and 100 cases of non-iron deficiency anaemia (NIDA), both the groups have more female participants in numbers 139 [69 (IDA), 70 (NIDA)] than male participants 61 [31 (IDA)]. Mean and standard deviation of age in IDA group was 36.98 (±12.41) years and in NIDA group was 37.55 (±12.67) years. Mean total cholesterol in IDA group was 165.44 (±12.39) as compared to 149.61 (±5.19) in group NIDA group, it was more in IDA. Mean LDL in IDA group 96.94 (±12.26) and 80.19 (±5.96) in NIDA group, mean VLDL in IDA group 31.33 (±1.77) and 28.95 (±1.19) in NIDA group, mean TG in IDA group 177.54 (±16.98) and 146.80 (±9.45) in NIDA group, HDL in IDA group 37.16 (±1.76) and 40.46 (±0.99) in NIDA group. All lipid profile parameters were more in IDA group than in NIDA group except HDL and was statistically significant.(’p’ value <0.001)
Conclusion: The present study shows that there is correlation between low serum iron levels and increased triglyceride, LDL levels and VLDL levels.