The teacher is of paramount importance in any system of education. The whole system of education revolves around the teacher. The teacher is the pivot of any educational system. The school without the teacher is the soulless body. He is the spiritual and intellectual father of the students. He leads the students from the darkness of ignorance to the light of the knowledge and understanding and helps to keep the lamp of civilization burning. He significantly influences physical, intellectual, emotional, social, moral, cultural and spiritual development of the Pupil. Job satisfaction implies the contentment and the pleasure one derives from performing one’s duty.. It means the extent to which various aspects of one’s work situation tend to be relevant to one’s job related value system. An integrated personality is essential for success in life and every individual puts in efforts to achieve this goal. Job Satisfaction is the result of the various attitudes possessed by an employee towards his job. These attitudes are related with specific factors such as wages, condition of work, advancement of the grievances, fair prompt settlement by the employees and other benefits. The following are the objectives formulated by the investigator in the present study:
1. To find significant differences in job satisfaction among male teachers working in government and private secondary schools.
2. To find significant differences in job satisfaction among female teachers working in government and private secondary schools
3. To find significant differences in job satisfaction among male and female teachers working in government secondary schools.
4. To find significant differences in job satisfaction among male and female teachers working in private secondary schools.
5. To find significant differences in job satisfaction among male teachers working in government and private elementary schools.
6. To find significant differences in job satisfaction among female teachers working in government and private elementary schools.
7. To find significant differences in job satisfaction among male and female teachers working in government and elementary schools.
8. To find significant differences in job satisfaction among male and female teachers working in private elementary schools.
9. To find significant differences in job satisfaction among male teachers working in government secondary and elementary schools.
10. To find significant differences in job satisfaction among female teachers working in government secondary and elementary schools. Dixit’s Job Satisfaction Scale (DJSS) . The statistical technique used by the investigator is ‘t’ test.