Today India is considered as the investment hub as it is the most powerful nation among the developing nations as nearly 65% of the population are youths, are below the age group of 35 years which is a strong indicator of future economic advancements in the next 2 decades.
The Make in India initiative was launched by Prime Minister in September 2014 as part of a wider set of nation-building initiatives. Devised to transform India into a global design and manufacturing hub, most importantly, it represents a complete change of the Government’s mind-set - a shift from issuing authority to business partner, in keeping with Prime Minister's tenet of ‘Minimum Government, Maximum Governance’. The paper has highlights the total cash inflows to the country after the launch of make in India theme.
It probes into the sector wise investment, country-wide investment and also the opportunities and challenges of the investors and the support given by the various states to promote the make in India scheme attracting the various investors across the world. It concludes with overall effectiveness of Make in India programme across the nation. It also provides the glimpse of the economy in the recent past with change in the regime.