Background of the study: Blood borne pathogen poses a serious risk to Health care workers as well as to patients and Occupational exposure to blood or body fluids create a risk to the Health care workers. Prevention of Blood borne diseases is an important topic in the field of nursing. Nurses should have knowledge about the Levels of prevention and infection control precautions should be carried out during the working period. Infection control precautions help the nurses to provide effective care to the patients and to minimize the risk of transmission of Nosocomial infection in the Dialysis unit. Objectives of the Study • To Assess the Knowledge regarding Prevention of Blood borne diseases among respondents. • To Evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme regarding Knowledge on Prevention of Blood borne diseases among respondents. • To Find out the association between Post test Knowledge scores regarding Prevention of Blood borne diseases with selected Demographic variables of respondents. Method: A pre experimental study with one group pre test and post test design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme (STP) regarding knowledge on “Prevention of Blood borne diseases” among Dialysis nurses and technicians. Purposive sampling technique was used to collect the data from 60 Dialysis nurses and technicians in a selected Health care facility, Bengaluru. Closed ended questionnaire and STP was used as the tool for the research study. The data was collected for the time period of 7 day and the data Obtained were analyzed by Descriptive and Inferential statistics in terms of objectives. Results: The findings of the study with regard to pre test revealed that majority 53.3% of the respondents had inadequate knowledge, 46.7%had moderate knowledge and none of them had adequate knowledge on Prevention of Blood borne diseases. But in Post test, 51.7% respondents was found with adequate knowledge, 29(48.3%) had moderate knowledge and none of them had inadequate knowledge regarding Prevention of Blood borne diseases. Interpretation and Conclusion: The study had proved that respondents had inadequate knowledge regarding Prevention of Blood borne diseases before administration of Structured Teaching Programme. The findings of the study showed that Structured Teaching Programme was effective in gaining knowledge regarding Prevention of Blood borne diseases among Dialysis nurses and technicians. Overall knowledge the paired mean difference was 12.30 and SD of difference was 2.78 and Mean difference percentage was 27.9%. It shows that there is a significant increase in knowledge regarding Prevention of Blood borne diseases after administration of Structured Teaching Programme.