Introduction: It is important to ascertain effect of iron deficiency on HbA1c levels since iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in world as well as in India. Its prevalence is especially higher in economically backward areas like Bundelkhand region, where, coexistence of iron deficiency with diabetes mellitus may limit the utility of HbA1c as the sole parameter for assessment of long term glycemic control in diabetics.
Aim: To study the effect of iron deficiency on HbA1c levels in non-diabetics.
Materials & Methods: We conducted this study on 100 randomly selected non-diabetic patients with confirmed iron deficiency anemia who were compared with 100 randomly selected age and sex matched healthy adults without diabetes mellitus and Iron deficiency anemia. This was a prospective case control observational study done during a period of 18 months (from March 2018 to September 2019).
Results: The meanSD value of HbA1c among iron deficiency patients (study group) was found to be significantly higher (5.240.41) as compared to control group (4.760.60).
Conclusion: We concluded that iron deficiency must always be taken into accountbefore making any decision on glycemic control in patients of DM on the basis of HbA1c level alone.