Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding affects 14-25% of women in reproductive age group and still Higher ino lder age group. AUB is defined as any bleeding from the uterine corpus differing in frequency, duration and amount.
Purpose: To study the prevalence of AUB and to study the distribution of causes of AUB using FIGO classification system of PALM COEIN.
Methodology: This study was conducted in VMKVMCH during December 2016 to December 2017.500
Non gravid women with menstrual disorders attending gynaecology outpatient department were enrolled. Women who were pregnant and those with local lesions in vulva, vagina and cervix were excluded.
Results: AUB was the most common compliant (38.8%) inpatients attending gynaecology
Outpatient department. The mean age of the patient was 41.71±8.526 years. In the present
Study, PALM contributes 66%(n=330) and COEIN contributes 34% (n=170). The most common Cause of AUB was leiomyoma 39% followed by ovulatory dysfunction 29.8%, adenomyosis 9%, combined 7%, malignancy 6%, polyp 5% and soon.
Conclusion: FIGO classification of AUB using PALM COEIN helped as apractical tool in assessing the etiology.