Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer related death commonly for men. There are many causes for lung cancer like inhalation of carcinogenic pollutants by susceptible host. Out of all the risk factors, cigarette smoking is the most important risk factor in the development of lung cancer in men.
• To assess the level of knowledge regarding lung cancer before structured teaching programme.
• To assess the knowledge regarding lung cancer after structured teaching programme
• To create awareness of lung cancer among TB patients.
• To determine the association between knowledge regarding lung cancer among patients with selected demographic variables
• To evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on patients regarding lung cancer
• H1:There will be an improvement in the level of knowledge of patients regarding lung cancer after structured teaching programme.
• H2:There will be no significant association between the selected demographic variables and knowledge of lung cancer
• Quantitative research design was used
In the pre test the mean score of knowledge was 5.1 (±2.08) and In the Post test the mean score of knowledge was 6.7 (±1.81).The paired t’ test value was 4.65 which is greater than the Table value (1.684) at (p<0.05) level of significance. Hence the Structured Teaching Programme is more effective in changing the level of knowledge regarding lung cancer. Chisquare shows that there was a no significant association between the level of knowledge regarding lung cancer among patients and their demographic variables.