Aim: 1. To study the relation between serum lipid profile and diabetic macular oedema.
2. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of macular oedema using OCT and to correlate the foveal thickness with the serum lipid profile and its component.
Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional, observational case control study, a total of 140 patients were divided into 2 equal groups based on their diabetic status and presence of macular oedema. Group 1 included 70 diabetic patients with no macular oedema. Group 2 included 70 diabetic patients with clinically significant macular edema. The lipid profile was tested between the 2 groups and compared. Statistical tests like student’s t-test, Fischer’s Exact test, & Pearson’s correlation test was used to analyse the results.
Results: The means of Total Cholesterol (p=0.0006), LDL (p=0.0461), VLDL (p=0.0349) & Cholesterol: HDL ratio (p=0.0196) levels were found to be higher in the group 2 patients with CSME compared to NON-CSME group 1 patients. The ODD’S RATIO was calculated to know the significance of each lipid components as a risk factor of CSME. Total cholesterol (OR=8.320), LDL(OR=3.536),VLDL(OR=2.204), Cholesterol :HDL ratio(OR=2.711), Triglyceride(OR=1.000), HDL(OR=0.5625). Qualitative assessment of macular edema was done to appreciate sponge like retinal thickenings (55%), as the most common variety followed by cystoid (33.33%)pattern of macular edema. Quantitative assessment of macular edema was done where with increasing foveal thickness there was more worsening of vision.
Pearson’s correlation test was calculated to know the correlation coefficient. Total cholesterol(r= -0.06). HDL(r=0.0011) LDL(r= -0.26) VLDL(r=-0.2214), Triglyceride (r=0.013), Cholesterol: HDL(r=-0.098).
Conclusion: The study showed total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL and CHOL:HDL acts as a significant risk factor of diabetes macular edema. Sponge like retinal thickening most common variety of csme on oct. Vision worses with increasing macular thickness.Our study could not show any correlation that rising levels of lipid component is associated with more severe macular oedema.