The aim of this study was to elaborate on the complications and mortality of Scrub Typhus. Material and methods: Thirty patients who were admitted to a tertiary care Hospital ICU in Amaravati region from August 2017 to January 2018 were included in this prospective study. After history, through physical examination and confirmation by WeilFelix test with titre >1:160 OXK or IgM antibody by ELISA methods, patients were included into study. Other causes of acute febrile illness were excluded after necessary laboratory investigations. Results: In our study most patient were in age group of 31-50 years which constituted 70%. Male patients were 56.7% versus female 43.3%. Agriculture workers constituted 40%. We observed a mortality rate of 56.7% with the following complications MODS 12 (40%), ARDS 6 (20%), Myocarditis 4 (13.3%), Meningoencephalitis 4 (13.3%) and Acute renal failure 4 (13.3%). Eschar was present in 66.7 % of patients which is one of the important diagnostic clues. Conclusion: High index of suspicion and aggressive management with early antibiotic management with other supportive measures are important for better out comes in cases of Scrub Typhus.