Swine flu, also known as the H1N1 virus, is a relatively new strain of an influenza virus that causes symptoms similar to the regular flu. It originated in pigs but is spread primarily from person to person. It was first discovered in humans and became a pandemic. Pandemics are contagious diseases affecting people throughout the world or on multiple continents at the same time People who have chills, fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose may have fever or viral fever. People can’t identify it is a swine flu but doctors can easily identify. Swine flu is three categories namely A, B, C. Slightl fever, cough, gold and sore throat is A category. If continuously high fever, sore throat is B category and in the morning slight fever and evening it has suddenly increasing, high fatigue and stuffy nose symptoms is C category. In this A and B categories need not take throat swab test. C category of symptoms may be swine flu. The swine flu test will have been positive those who must have been taken Tami flu tablets immediately for 5 days to control it and if children will have to be taken tablets for 5 more days. The environment and ill-health are very closely related, as environment plays a crucial role in our lives. The problem is that those who are living in the bad conditions do not understand the impact of it on their health. During the survey some of the slums could identify what was wrong with their environment and its consequences on their health and well–being. This study went further to explore in details the swine flu virus problems of the slum people death. The respondents are uneducated, living unhygienic and difficult conditions, working in the informal service sector and comprising diet low in protein. Health concerns include a variety of acute and chronic conditions both in the slums and in their families. These are the factors leading to spread swine flu in the slum community