Aim: Assess the Pre hypertension and evaluate the effectiveness of curry leaves on reduction of Blood pressure among adults. Materials and methods: 60 samples are selected by purposive sampling technique after recording blood pressure. Curry leaves juice was prepared as per direction of Ayurvedic physician and given to pre hypertension patients on every day morning, data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics methods like f test, chi square test, mean, median, SD, post hoc test, Mann Whitneys U test, Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results: There is significant difference between baseline and immediate after giving curry juice as systolic blood pressure (Z=4.787P=0.001*) and significant difference between baseline and immediate after giving curry juice as diastolic blood pressure (Z=4.487P=0.001*). The chi square value shows that there is a significant association between habits with pre test hypertension scores of experimental group (Χ2=15.876 p=0.0032*) and type of family with pre test hypertension scores of experimental group (Χ2=11.380 p=0.0007*). Conclusion: The study concludes that curry leaves juice is a cost effective method for treating prehypertension patients. Some more studies can be conducted in the future with large scale to generalize the results and same studies can be conducted among moderate and severe hypertensive patients with control group.