Statistics indicate that Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities affecting 1 in 10 children worldwide. The DyslexiaAssociation of India estimates that about 10% to 15% of school-going children in India suffer from some type of Dyslexia. There may be slightly more males than females who have dyslexia, but the difference is not significant. This notion is illustrated by a study of an epidemiological samples of children in grade 2 and grade 3 which reading and IQ tests were used to provide a psychometric definition of dyslexia. The investigators found that 8.7% of the boys and 6.9% of the girls were dyslexic in grade 2, and that 9.0% of the boys and 6.0% of the girls were dyslexic in grade 3.Based on the percentage of scores, the knowledge was interpreted as above 75% was adequate knowledge; 51-74% was moderate knowledge and below 50% was inadequate knowledge.