Background: Hand hygiene practices among healthcare workers have been proven to be a crucial strategy in preventing hospital-acquired infections. The Five Moments of Hand Hygiene refer to specific times when hand hygiene is essential: before touching a patient, before performing aseptic or clean procedures, after potential exposure to body fluids, after touching a patient, and after handling patient surroundings. This framework has been effectively utilized to enhance the understanding, training, monitoring, and reporting of hand hygiene practices among healthcare professionals. Aim: To assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of five moments of hand hygiene among nursing at a teaching hospital. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted among nursing staff. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire (WHO), which assessed their knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding hand hygiene. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: The majority (80%) of participants showed good knowledge regarding the Five Moments of Hand Hygiene. The attitude towards hand hygiene was generally positive, with 75% of participants acknowledging its importance in infection control. However, only 60% of the participants practiced hand hygiene consistently at the appropriate moments, particularly after patient contact and before aseptic tasks. The bar graph represents the correlation between knowledge and practice, while the pie chart illustrates the attitudes towards biomedical waste management. Conclusion: The study highlighted that while nursing staff and students exhibited good knowledge and positive attitudes towards hand hygiene, the actual practice remained suboptimal. Regular training and more effective reminders are needed to bridge the gap between knowledge and practice.