The study was conducted “to assess the knowledge and practice of healthy food habits among school going children in a selected schools in Kottayam District. The objectives were to assess knowledge, practice of healthy food habits among school going children, to find association between knowledge and practice and selected sociodemographic variables, to find out relationship between knowledge and practice of healthy food habits among school going children and to prepare a teaching module regarding healthy food habits. Conceptual framework was based on Becker’s health belief model. The research design used in the present study is non-experimental descriptive design. The study was conducted among 60 upper primary school students between the age of 6-12 yrs by using non-probability convenient sampling technique. Findings revealed that majority of students have average knowledge, 18.4% of subjects had good knowledge, 70% had average knowledge and 11.6% had poor knowledge regarding healthy food habits. When it comes to practice majority of students had average practice, 33.3% of subjects have good practice, 65% had average practice and 1.7% had poor practice of healthy food habits. There was no significant association between level of knowledge and demographic variables like age, sex etc. and there was significant association between practice and demographic variable like type of food. Proper health education and awareness program will help the Upper Primary School students to became aware about Healthy food habits and to develop a positive attitude towards it. These measures play an important role in reducing the incidence of non-communicable disease.