A descriptive study was conducted to assess the factors affecting the acceptance of Intrauterine devices among postnatal woman admitted in PNC ward of KLE PrabhakarKore hospital Belagavi. 40 postnatal women were included in the study who met the inclusion criteria. The objectives of the study wereto assess the factors affecting the acceptance of IUD and to find out the association between identified factors and selected demographic variables. Convenient sampling technique was used for selecting the samples and descriptive design was adopted. Data was collected by using structured knowledge questionnaire. The findings revealed that majority of the postnatal women had average scores of knowledge, physiological, psychological factors and majority of the postnatal women had good scores of socio cultural factor regarding the acceptance of Intrauterine devices. And there was statistically significant association between knowledge scores and demographic variable like source of information and there was no any statistically significant association between physiological, psychological and socio cultural factors and the selected demographic variables.