Health is a precious aspect of all human beings, as it is an asset for an individual. The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being. Health is maintained and improved not only through the advancement and application of health sciences, but also through the efforts and intelligent life style choices of individual and society like exercise, diet pattern, yoga and meditation practices. Hypertension is an important medical and public health issue. It exists worldwide at epidemic rates affecting as estimated 1 billion people. Two third of hypertensive patients do not have their blood pressure controlled (Lewis, 2010). There are some natural ways to reduce blood pressure up to some extend. The best way is through diet. Dietary modification requires active participation of individuals. Dietary factors have an important influence on blood pressure regulation in individuals with changing life styles. Increased intake of vegetables with a high dietary nitrate intake will help in reducing the blood pressure. Beet root is the vegetable which contain nitrates, which is naturally found in soil and absorbed by the vegetables through the roots (Jennifer Warner, 2012). Nitric Oxide has the capacity to dilate the blood vessels and improve the blood flow thus reducing the blood pressure. Nitric Oxide has numerous functions in the body, including the regulation of blood flow, muscle contractility, glucose and calcium homeostasis, and mitochondrial respiration and biogenesis.