Background: Yoga is a rich treasure of physical and mental techniques that can be effectively used to create physical and mental well being1. Since its introduction in modern culture it has enjoyed immense popularity as an adjunct to healthy living1. In recent years few researches have hinted that yoga may improve certain hematological parameters. Present study has been done on patients suffering from iron deficiency anaemia to see how yoga and meditation affect haematinic treatment and to what extent.
Methods: For this study 100 adult anaemic males having no other apparent pathology were selected. They were divided into 4 groups of 25 each. Groups A and B were having mild anaemia (Hb = 9-12 gm/dl), and Groups C and D were having moderate anaemia (Hb< 9 gm/dl) before the start of the study. All 4 groups were given haematinics for 3 months. Groups B and D were subjected to yoga and meditation therapy in addition to oral haematinics. After 3 months the percentage increase in haemoglobin values in all 4 groups were compared. Further, the effect of age on haematinic response and yoga was also observedin all 4 groups by comparing subjects as age<40 years and age>=40 years.
Results: the percentage increase in Hb was greater in Groups B and D, and in those with age<40 years.
Conclusion: yoga and meditation therapy administered together with haematinics demonstrated a greater erythropoietic response as compared to haematinics alone. Also, this response was observed to be better in younger age groups.