Acid–base disturbances are very common in medical intensive care unit patients as well as contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality. An understanding of the pathophysiology of these disorders is vital to their proper management. This review will discuss the etiology, pathophysiology and treatment of acid–base disturbances in intensive care patients.
Materials and methods: Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis was done in 155 patients admitted in Medical intensive care unit (MICU) regardless of its primary cause in at department of General Medicine, andhra medical college from From April 2018 To March 2019 patient at time of admission to the MICU. Type of acid base disorder was primary variable of interest.
Results: Of the 155 patients, ABG was Normal in present in 30 patients (19.35%), 39 patients (25.16%) had simple acid base disorder, 84 patients (54.19%) had combined ABD and remaining 2 (1.29%) had Triple acis base disorder. The most common aetiology was Sepsis (16.1%) followed by CKD (12.9%) and COPD (10.3%). Among the study population, Mortality was seen in 39 (25.16%) subjects and the remaining 116(74.84%) were alive.
Conclusion: Increasing age (≥ 60 years) is associated with increased risk of acid base disturbances mostly between 40 to 70 years. The most common acid base disorder observed was mixed type is metabolic and respiratory acidosis and most common simple acid base disorder was metabolic acidosis. Most common etiologies were sepsis, COPD, CKD. SEPSIS has high mortality with poor recovery. The mortality and morbidity was more severe in extreme academia and alkalemia.