Background: Curriculum Based Medical Education was introduced in India with the aim to develop a learner-centered approach, early clinical exposure, and problem-based learning. Assessing teaching-learning outcomes in Anatomy is a complex process that requires the evaluation of multiple domains such as theoretical, practical, and clinical knowledge. The assessment of practical knowledge was done by Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE).
Aims and Objectives: To introduce OSPE as an assessment tool in Anatomy. Analyzing the feedback of students and faculty after the introduction of OSPE. Methodology: One hundred eighty, First-year MBBS students were included in the study. Sensitization of all students and faculty was done in the orientation programme for OSPE. Six weeks prior, students were informed about the exam and the topics on which OSPE had to be conducted. A well-structured pre-set Likert- scale-type questionnaire was administered to the faculty, students and feedback was received about the process of OSPE by ticking one of the five alternatives i.e. Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly disagree. Conclusion: Implementation of OSPE as a formative assessment tool in Anatomy was well accepted by both students and faculty. Faculty who participated in conducting OSPE felt that such exercises can be given frequently for formative evaluation before introducing it in summative evaluation.