A study has been made to develop functional buttermilk with prebiotics (honey and oligofructose) and probiotic cultures (L.acidophilusand B. bifidum). Various levels of prebiotics (2, 3, 4 and 5 per cent) were added in the buttermilk samples to assess the optimum inclusion level based on the sensory evaluation. Honey and oligofructose were added separately at the rate of two per cent level in the samples and were acceptable by the sensory panel. In buttermilk, mainly the growth and survival of probiotic L. acidophilus and B.bifidum alone and in combination either with prebiotic substances namely honey or oligofructose had been assessed during refrigerated storage for 21 days and the experimental buttermilk samples either with L.acidophilus or B.bifidum and both in combination had maintained the minimum level of probiotic bacterial cells 106–107 cells per gram so as to exert probiotic properties up to 15 days of storage without affecting sensory properties.