The study was targeted to examine the status of addressing diversity in the modularized and nationlly harmonized undegraduate programs’ curricula of the Ethiopian public higher education institutions. Accordingly, quantitative content analysis research method was employed and a total of 25 curricula were selected through stratified and simple random sampling techniques and included in the study. Data were collected from these curricular documents through obervation checklist developed based on the general features of diversity responsive curriculum and through direct observation of these and other related documents The checklist was pilot tested to enhance its validity and reliability. The collected data were analyzed using frequency counts, mean scores, standard deviations, ANOVA and textual descriptions/narrations. The findings revealed that the curricula under investigation did not address diversity in their constitutents and rated at the status of exclusivity in most of the aspects considered expect on few issues that are related to methodology and assmessment mechanisms which were rated at average (inclusivity) level. In addition, there was no significant difference observed among the curricula from different program categories/bands found in the country. Hence, much is expected from policy makers, educational leaders and practitioners of higher education and other concened stakeholders to work restlessely to improve these higher education curricula in addressing diversity and making higher education responsive to diversity which will enhance students learning.