Higher Education Institutions normally compete for student enrolment and one way to ensure their clients’ continued patronage is to conduct customer satisfaction surveys to find out whether their clients had gratifying experiences with the institution’s services and facilities. Surveys are done to find out whether the institution’s quality policy, the promise it gave its clients is indeed realized. This study assessed the extent to which St. Paul University Philippines had succeeded in fulfilling its quality policy. Descriptive research design was utilized employing the use of a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test for independent samples and One-Way ANOVA. Results revealed that students are generally very highly satisfied with the University’s services and facilities as well as their relationship with their teachers, fellow students, administrative personnel and office staff. The participants are very impressed with the overall quality of their academic experience in the University. From the lens of the graduate students, the University had succeeded to a great extent realizing its quality policy of “providing quality Catholic education to its stakeholders in a caring environment”. The University, being an ISO-certified Catholic academic institution has lived up to its clients’ promise to provide them with quality services and facilities making their experience in the University positive and truly reflective of a caring environment.