Nitrate is one such pollutant which is added in excess to groundwater by anthropogenic activity at many places in the world. According to Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) the maximum permissible limit of nitrate in groundwater for drinking purpose in India is 45 mg/l. Anything in excess of this my cause methemoglobinemia commonly known as ‘blue baby disease’. Spatial distribution of nitrate was studied for Gulbarga Taluk using GIS. The present study shows that the nitrate contamination in Gulbarga Taluk is ranged between 15 and 137 mg/l with a median value of 66.1 mg/l. The study also revealed that the major section of the taluk is having nitrate concentration higher than the permissible limits. The high concentrations are associated with agricultural activity practiced at these areas centred around major water bodies. The author suggests practicing sustainable agricultural practices in the area and use of water purifiers to eliminate nitrate from drinking water.