It is too dangerous to be too good, stated realistically in the aftermath of the sudden demise of M.K.Gandhi by none other than George Bernard shaw.In the 7 decades of Indian experimentation and experience with the democratic governance successfully heralded its national character at zenith. India’s role in Korean crisis,Israel-Palestine,NAM,Afghanistan and other UN related peace-keeping Operations and specialized agencies’ supports were highly regarded by world states men and political exponents. In the recent past, Trump, the American President also hailed India as role model that has to be followed by all other nations. Issue such as Kashmir, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Atomic explosions were studded with both positivities and as well as negativities. For the past years India did not involved in any type of war or aggression against any nation in the world. Albeit of Pakistan and China’s military skirmishes in various phases of the 20th and 21st century, India’s national identity never bowed down from the ideal status. As observed by umpteen scholars at the International level, all other neighbors of India face huge amount of stumbling blocks in its democratic history. That said, the situation persists at present gives a different picture, since the co-competitor People’s Republic of China poses a great instable threat in the region. China’s bulldozing billions in terms of infrastructural investment certainly creates divergence among the countries in the Asian continent. Further; South China sea is also serving as a factor which invites wrath from among the countries. The trilateral agreement between India, USA, and Japan proves quite conducive and strong enough to shield the interests of Indian sub-continent. The recent irking issues ion Maldives also is an imbalance factor which invites trouble for India. To put it in a nutshell, India’s soft power status is under constant threat due to various surfacing issues in the neighborhood. In this junction, this piece of research article intends to portray the present status of India at international level along with the existing and futuristic issues that has to be resolved in prior to sustain the identity of the nation.