Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a dymilinating patchy disease affecting the nerve fiber in the central nerves system, resulting in a range of signs and symptoms, including physical, mental, and sometimes psychiatric problems. Unlike other disease the MS was found to have a real impact on the quality of life, the social functioning and the degrading towards family commitment. In many studies The socio-economic factors were found connected to the psychological and social status of the patients. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of these two domains on the female Saudi MS patients. The study used a carefully designed questionnaire which was tested for reliability and validity. A ninety four female (94) MS patients were surveyed and data were tested using SPSS package and ANOVA test was applied to statistically handle the result. The Social factors showed the lack of awareness of the most challenging problem. However the social factors that impact on the MS patient were (loss of confidence), (difficult of join social events) which almost represented in 40% of the study population. The identified economic factors as a real challenge were the (lack of role and regulation that mange the financial rights for the patient). The factor that mostly impact on the patients was the lack of (financial support to maintain reasonable life of the patients). Conclusion: the social factors showed reasonable effect on most of the patient this is indicate the well connected families and the integrated social support provided to the patient. The economic domain was found a triggering factors to most of the psychological deterioration of the patient and may play a role to raise the corisole hormone level in many cases.