Background: Integrated Counseling and Testing Centres (ICTC’s) provide for a wide range of interventions in HIV awareness, detection, prevention and care in India especially in a situation when 30% of those infected with the virus globally are unaware of their seropositive status. The objective of this study was to assess the socio-demographic profile and time-series analysis of seropositive attendees at a selected ICTC. Methodology: A cross-sectional record based study was done for the period January’11 to December’15 wherein information regarding 6798 attendees of the ICTC of KPC Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata, India were collected and analyzed. Result: Among 6798 attendees, 133(1.96%) tested positive for HIV with a male to female ratio of about 3:1 and Tuberculosis (44.36%) as a major co-morbidity. Overall, the seropositivity rate gradually increased over the period from 1.78% (2011) to 2.26% (2015) but surprisingly the predicted seropositivity rate for the year 2016 showed a lower rate of 1.99%. 31-40years age group showed maximum seropositivity (36.09%) and unprotected heterosexual route was the commonest (61.65%) mode of infection.78% of spouses of seropositives were found to be HIV positive. Conclusion: This study showed a rising trend of seropositivity rate during the study period which indicates the need for continuous interventional measures.