Background: HIV/AIDS impacts heavily on the infected individual and the society at large, there is therefore a need to evaluate the quality of life of HIV-infected individuals and its associated factors.
Aims: The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life of People living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) and its associated factors.
Methodology: Quality of life was measured using WHOQOL-BREF scale from a convenient sample of 100 People living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) attending ART centre, Bagalkot in a cross sectional survey. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Findings: Majority (77%) of PLHIV had poor overall quality of life. A significant association was found between total quality of life and family history of HIV (χ2=5.89, p<0.05), having children (χ2=3.93, p<0.05), WHO clinical staging (χ2=8.34, p<0.05) and suffering from any other illness (χ2=4.18, p<0.05).
Conclusion: Quality of life of PLHIV is greatly compromised and family history of HIV, having children, clinical staging and co morbidity are the factors associated with QoL of PLHIV.