The purpose of the research was to study the Self-Concept among students with Learning Disability (LD) and High Achiever in Elementary Schools of Upper Siang District of Arunachal Pradesh. Learning disability students are often not dealt with care and concern and encounter their emotions problems. They find difficult to make friends and are maladjusted in making relationships and so they feel very lonely. In due course, they may develop symptoms of withdrawal and anxiety. High achiever students are who execute at hit the highest point of an academic level. To collect the necessary data for the study, survey method was used. Cluster sampling technique was used to select only 3 elementary schools out of 7 and all the class VI students in the selected elementary schools were the participants in this research of Mariyang block of Upper Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh. Both descriptive and inferential statistical analysis techniques were employed to compute the data. The study has revealed that the Students with high achiever are found high in self-concept as compared to the students with learning disability. Assessment strategies need to be developed to enhance self-concept of learning disability students as well as high achiever students.