Handball is very fascinating modern game with fast and excitement action. Successful performance in Handball requires the good motor abilities and physiological and precise skill to accomplish desired result. This study aimed to find out the effect of 12 week SAQ training on handball skill performance variables of handball players. For this purpose the researcher selected 90 male handball players (30 each from plyometric, SAQ & control group), age ranges between 18-25 years. Samples were selected at different playing levels i.e. AIU, SGFI, HFI and PHA from Punjab state. Random sampling technique was applied to select the sample. Handball skill performance variable i.e. passing ability were selected for this study. To find out the difference among various groups of passing ability e.g. Plyometric, SAQ & Control group variable ‘ANCOVA’ test was appliedat 0.05 level of significance. The results showed that experimental groups (Plyometric & SAQ) of handball players were having improved the performance of passing accuracy as compare to control group.