Sorghum, the world’s fourth major cereal in terms of production, is a staple food crop of millions of poor in semi-arid tropics of the world. The objective of this study was to investigate the safety of using X- ray, Gamma ray and UV light treated sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), by testing the renal and liver function parameters of Albino rats fed on the second generation yielded seeds. Original sample of sorghum seeds was brought from the local market, cleaned manually, divided into six groups and put in clean Petri dishes. Four groups were treated with low and high doses of X-ray and gamma ray, one group was treated with the UV light, while the last was the control. Fifteen Wister Albino rats were weighed and distributed randomly in six groups according to their irradiated sorghum feed. After 60 days, blood samples of the Albino rats were collected from the retrorbital sinus. The blood serum was separated using centrifuge. Renal function and liver function parameters were determined. The results showed that, the mutant sorghum seeds were safer to be used (no significant differences in renal and liver functions on the experimental Rats). Similar studies on other crops should be run.