Diabetes is one of the most life challenging metabolic disorders, found to be bothering at a great scale across the world. Survey shows a scary and rapid growth in the population affected with Diabetes in India. Diet and nutrition are the important factors that can be modifiable for the maintenance of health and prevention of diseases. Metabolic disorders like Diabetes and Obesity can be brought under control with proper diet and exercises up to great extent. Improvement and management of diabetes mellitus (DM) can be achieved by adding more antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Agreeable food intake, proper regular exercise and right life style enhances absorption, and utilization of nutrients in the body. The diet should be nutritionally balanced when with right amount of calorie as per requirement of an individual.
Choosing a low glycaemic index diet is often given priority in selection of balanced diet. Recovery from ill stages of diabetes can be enhanced by being close to the nature, having seasonal and less processed food, low glycaemic index diet. Awareness to take nutritious diet in diabetic condition is utter need of the day. The severity of diabetes is becoming worse if the diet is not properly taken and regulated as per need in any metabolic disorders.
Alkali rich food is often recommended in the protein metabolism. Omega 3 fatty acid is of great importance in the skin and bone health and also in the functioning of brain. Those who are having diabetes should avoid taking a more carbohydrate, fat and sodium. Instead, a more amount of fibre, protein vitamins and minerals like zinc, iron, calcium and potassium have to be added for a normal metabolism. The Diabetics should reduce or avoid caffeine, beverages, packaged food, fried items, refined items, processed food, sauces, added sugar, fast food and carbonated drinks as they aggravate the problems.
There are several findings reported about prevention and management of diabetes but quantity and quality of food recommendation is lacking in those. The current motive is in the same direction to look into those aspects in the context of diabetes. An attempt here is done to explore the role of diet in prevention and management of metabolic disorders like diabetes mellitus