Groin hernias are one of the most common surgical problems presenting to the outpatient clinic. Emergency presentation of these groin hernias are uncommon and are less than 5%, Though femoral hernia being the least frequent groin hernia, has the highest incidence of 36% in presenting as a complicated hernia. Emergency femoral hernia repair has been a topic of academic interest since decades. Classically Lockwood infrainguinal, Lotheissen transinguinal and McEvedy high inguinal approaches have been described. In all of these approaches the importance of mobilisation of inguinal ligament is hardly highlighted in the literature. Here we describe and emphasize the role of partial release of inguinal ligament in emergency femoral hernia repair which is a safer option and aids in adequate evaluation and reduction of contents with minimal local complications and obviating the need of laparotomy in cases with a narrow femoral defect and minimizes the chance of bowel injury during reduction.