The emphasis of this project is on the design and manufacture of a river trash cleaning machine. This project's primary goal is to lessen river pollution caused by excessive sewage discharges, industrial waste, etc. In numerous river cleaning programmers, the Indian government has invested significantly. For faster product delivery, most of the manufacturing process is now automated. Production requires automation heavily. Our main goal in creating the remote-operated river cleaning device for this project was to reduce the amount of time and labor required to clean the river. Though there are many robots in the market which are used for cleaning rivers but this bot have other features making it distinct. Utilizing a motor and conveyor drive setup, we have automated the operation of the river waste cleaning system in this instance. Here The cleaning machine can be controlled by a GSM module. Moreover GSM Module can help in fast transformation of messages as we only use a mobile sim for the instructions to be transferred. Also, other components such as micro-controller, motors for the wheels and conveyor belt, a 12v battery are used in this bot. By which it makes it simple to carry and also weighs less.