Objectives: This study was primarily designed to determine the clinical efficiency of Hydroxy Apatite with Collagen (G-graft), PRF, Chorion membrane in preserving extraction sockets. To the best of my knowledge, there is not enough literature available that human chorion membrane was used for ridge preservation. Materials and Methods: For Control group (n=15) after debridement of the extraction socket, no additional treatment was performed. For Test group (n=15) after debridement, extraction sockets were filled with Hydroxyapatite with collagen mixed with PRF and was covered by a Chorion membrane and a cross mattress non absorbable suture was used to secure the membrane in place. Results: Clinically, there was a significantly greater decrease in the socket depth, whereas more decrease in buccolingual width of control than test group after 6months. There were statistically significant difference between extraction alone and ridge preservation groups for the Buccal, mesial and distal sites (P<0.05).The palatal/lingual site was relatively unchanged for either group, and there was no statistically significant difference in between groups (P>0.05).Conclusion: The use of G-Graft, PRF, Chorion membrane was effective in socket preservation. PRF being autologous, non immune, cost effective, easily procurable regenerative biomaterial. This study proved that chorion membrane was very effective as a barrier membrane.