Personal identification of a living person or a dead body is based on certain physical characteristics that are unique to that individual, which helps in fixation of distinctive identity of that person. Among various parameters used for identification like age & sex, stature estimation of the dead has also gained importance in the field of forensics particularly in cases of mass disasters such as tsunami, building collapse, bomb explosion and vehicle accidents such as airplane crash, car accident, etc. Determination of stature is straightforward when the whole corpse/skeleton is recovered. However, the identification of remains can be complicated when the deceased can no longer be recognized due to the nature of the injuries sustained, or where fragments of the body are available, or the bodies are in advanced conditions of putrefaction, mutilation, and skeletonization. In such scenarios, statistical assessment of measurements of numerous bones and their correlation with various parameters of identification is studied and calculated. Studies in the past have provided satisfactory evidence of correlation between hand length and stature. This review is an attempt to discuss the assessment of stature demonstrated by the anthropometry of hand length among the Indian population to aid forensic professionals in establishing the identity of amputated remains. Review of vast literature on this topic revealed that variations are present between genders and also races in stature and hand length measurements, hence the resultant formulae applicable for one race and both genders possibly will not applicable to other races and gender. It also showed that either hand can be used for stature determination with great accuracy. Finally, it illustrated that prediction of stature is more reliable and accurate in case of females than males.