Sannipataj Pandu Roga (SPR) is one of the diseases mentioned in Ayurveda which is characterized by the changes in the skin colour to white (Shweta), yellowish (Peeta), greenish (Harita) etc. which is one of the “Varnopalakshita Roga" i.e., a disease characterized by the change in the colour due to involvement of all the three doshas i.e., Vaat, Pitta and Kapha. The clinical condition of SPR in Ayurveda can be co-related with Sickle Cell Anaemia (SCA) described in Modern Medical Science, due to the resemblance in the clinical signs and symptoms. SCA is a genetic condition, basically it is a pathological haematological condition.SCA, or sickle – cell disease or drepanocyte, is a life-long blood disorder characterized by RBC that assume an abnormal, rigid, sickle shape. Sickling decreases the cells flexibility and results in a risk of various complications. Life expectancy is shortened & hampered a lot. SCA causes significant morbidity and mortality and affects the economic and healthcare status of many countries. Quality of life hampers due to its chronic nature and painful crisis. SCA, one of the most common inherited diseases worldwide, the cells die an early age leaving scarcity of healthy red blood cells & later blocks blood flow that results in pain. In Ayurveda concept of sannipataj Pandu is mentioned in various literature. The knowledge of this concept is very beneficial to treat different disorders where sannipataj Pandu is a symptom and disease both ways. This article presents the Ayurvedic concept of SPR as well as Sickle Cell Anaemia. Hence, in this article an attempt has been made to review various available Samhita, Sangrahagrantha to find out the different descriptions about Pandu and bring all of them in a single place.