Purpose: The Zeiss IOLMaster®700 is a new optical biometer device which measures axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD), central corneal thickness (CCT), lens thickness (LT), white-to-white (WTW), and keratometry (K) by using swept source technology. This study aims to evaluate the repeatability of measurements of intraocular distances using the Zeis IOLMaster®700.
Design: Prospective study.
Participants: Ninety-three eyes (46 right, 47 left) of 48 healthy volunteers (26 women, 22 male; median age 35 years; age range 21–58 years) were enrolled into the study.
Main outcome measures: Five consecutive measurements of AL, ACD, CCT, LT, WTW and K were performed by one examiner using the optical biometer the Zeiss IOLMaster®700. Five repeated measurements, each with six shots, were performed in a sequence. Intraclass correlation coefficient values were calculated for agreement, and standard error of measurement and repeatability coefficients were calculated for repeatability of of measurements for each parameter.
Results: There was strong or very strong agreement between five repeated measurements for all parameters (intraclass correlation coefficient range 0.725–1.00, p<0.001 for all) with minimum standard error of measurement and and high repeatability coefficients.
Conclusions: The Zeiss IOLMaster®700 optical biometer device showed good agreement and repeatability in measuring AL, ACD, CCT, LT, WTW and K in healthy eyes, thus can be used in clinical practice.