Periodontal tissues form the foundation for proper esthetics, function, and comfort of the dentition. The concept of crown lengthening was first introduced by D.W. Cohen (1962) a procedure that often employs some combination of tissue reduction or removal, osseous surgery, and / or orthodontics for tooth exposure. The rationale for crown lengthening procedures has progressively become more aesthetic-driven due to the increasing popularity of smile enhancement therapy. Gingival hyperpigmentation is also a major esthetic concern for many people in India. Melanin pigmentation is known to be caused by melanin granules within the gingival epithelium. Though it is not a medical pathology but for many people it can be of esthetic concern.
The present case report, describes a simple and effective surgical aesthetic crown lengthening with help of gingivoplasty and gingival depigmentation technique that does not require sophisticated instruments or apparatus yet yields esthetically acceptable results along with patient’s satisfaction.