This research paper aims to introduce the various aspects and the challenges related to criminal justice and rehabilitation in India. Criminal Justice can be defined as a system of institutions and governing bodies that are set up to maintain law and order in the country along with punishing the perpetrators. Rehabilitation, on the other hand, is an extended step towards the betterment of the society and is an integral requirement in order to cut down on such crime rates drastically.
The Judicial system aims to provide justice to the victim and send across a strong message to the society in order to deter and mitigate crime. Other than this, its purpose is also correcting the culprit so that the person re-develops the conscience and stops himself from committing further crimes. This aspect is taken care by the rehabilitation wing of the criminal justice system.
The paper aims to deal with the psychological and philosophical sides of the human brain in order to inculcate a sense of guilt and repentance and take into consideration the various crimes which can be considered from petty to grave to discuss in detail the punishment that has been accorded to each. Further, it will unfold as a comparative study of various cases from around the world to devise and suggest ways through which the Indian Judiciary system may improve upon the aspect of Criminal Justice and Rehabilitation. In the end of the research paper, the research will try to reach to a conclusive result as in how effective the current criminal justice and rehabilitation system of India has been throughout the years and the loopholes that come along with it.