Rainfall Analysis is first approach for designing hydraulic structures. This research work includes the most accurate methodology for developing Rainfall Intensities-Duration-Frequencies (IDF) relationships. Valsad city is taken as study area to obtain IDF relationships. For this, first necessary step is proper understanding of rainfall pattern and development of IDF curves. Daily Rainfall data (1987-2017) from State Water Data Centeris collected forValsad city. Data was analyzed by Flood Frequency analysis & Gumbel’s extreme value distribution to derive probabilities of daily maximum rainfall events using spread sheet., Rainfall intensities were derived for 60, 90, 120, 180,240, 360, 480, 720, 1440 min of duration, this intensity duration relationship were plotted with log-log plot for 5, 25 & 50 year return period. This particular return period can adopted for storm water management and flood forecasting. Relationship of rainfall intensity with concentration time for a given frequency of occurrence for 10 min & 15 min intervals were plotted to generate IDF curves.