Background: Better nutrition is a prime entry point to ending the malnutrition. Better health means stronger immune systems which mean less illness. Healthy people feel stronger, can work better and may have more earning opportunities to gradually lift them out of both poverty and malnutrition. Healthier, more productive societies are a potential outcome. Protein energy malnutrition has been identified as one of the major nutritional problem among children in India. Since mothers were the primary care takers of children, if they possess adequate knowledge on food and nutrition of children, they can be prevented from protein energy malnutrition.
Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to assess the health status of under-five children and knowledge of mothers of malnourished children regarding nutritious diet and effect of NDP on knowledge of mothers and health status of malnourished under-five children and prepare guidelines for the mothers on the basis of findings.
Materials and Methods: A quantitative approach was used for this study. The study was carried out in selected village i.e Sarabha, Ludhiana, Punjab. The sample comprised of 62 malnourished under-five children and their mothers. Sample was selected by using Non Probability Judgemental Sampling Technique. Data collection was done in the month of Februaury- March 2015. Formal written permission from Sarpanch of village and written consent from the mothers of malnourished under-five children was taken. Data was collected by administering the Standardized WHO weight for age growth chart, Demographic Tool and Multiple choice questions regarding nutritious diet and protein energy malnutrition. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Findings: The results of this study showed that there is positive effect of NDP on mothers’ knowledge and health status of under-five children. At the time of initial assessment of under-five children in selected anganwadis of Sarabha village it was found that 50.59% of under-five children were moderately malnourished, 24.71% of under-five children were normal, 22.35% of under-five children were mildly malnourished and only 2.35% of under-five children were severely malnourished.
On the basis of assessment of level of knowledge among mothers about nutritious diet and malnutrition in experiment group, it was seen that 28.12% had average knowledge and 71.88% of mothers had poor knowledge. After the administration of structured teaching programme, in post test it was found that 18.75% of mothers had good knowledge, 65.63% had average knowledge and 15.62% had poor knowledge.
On basis of health status of under-five children in experimental group, 46.88% were mildly malnourished children and 53.12% were moderately malnourished. After the intervention of giving nutritious laddoo to malnourished children in post test 40.62% children shifted to normal state, 31.25% of children were in mild malnourishment and 28.13% were in moderate malnourishment.
Interpretation and Conclusion: The findings of this study support the need to provide Nutritious Laddoo to Under-Five Children to prevent from Malnutrition. Educating the mothers of under-five children with correct information regarding Protein Energy Malnutrition and Nutritious Diet will be helpful in improving the Health Status of Under-Five Children. This study proved that the Nutrition Demonstration Programme (NDP) had effect on Knowledge of Mothers and Health Status of Malnourished Under-Five Children.