Introduction Quality is an essential quality in health care, fundamentally it guarantees that users receive the benefits that meet their expectations, which leads to a sustainable future of the health care system. Objective To determine the quality of nursing care provided in the emergency department and the waiting time of the Family Medicine Unit Number 29 with the Ambulatory Care Unit of the Mexican Institute of Social Security. Methodology Quantitative, observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study of an evaluative type, sociodemographic variables, measurement instrument with a reliability of Crombach's Alpha 0.71, validated by the National Crusade for Quality, study population patients who attended the emergency department, of the Family Medicine Unit N.29, carried out a probabilistic sampling, simple randomized type. Data were analyzed using Excel software and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences [SPSS] Version 22. Results The quality of nursing care provided in the Emergency Department was 70%, compared to 30% with a quality deficit in the careful, 1.30±0.46DS. V=0.211. A satisfaction with the waiting time of 79.3% was observed. Conclusion. Most of the surveyed patients who attended the emergency department reported that the care provided by the nursing staff was quality, while a small part answered that the nursing care provided was not of quality. Practical implications for the discipline. This study shows the importance and need to comply with the quality indicators that are needed to designate criteria aimed at carrying out strategic plans and continuous improvement, where the multidisciplinary health team can be integrated.