This research aimed to examine carcass quality, marbling and cholesterol content in beef of male Bali cattle fed with feed based on cocoa pod husk concentrate which fermented with Bioplus (CPHCFBio). The research conducted at the Teaching Farm Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Mataram. As many as 9 male Bali cattle aged 1.5 - 2 years were used with its initial weight of 142-172 kg. The experiment was arranged based on a completely randomized design in the same direction with 3 treatments: P1 = 30% CPHCFBio + 70% corn straw; P2 = 40% CPHCFBio + 60% corn straw and P3 = 50% CPHCFBio + 50% corn straw. The data of carcass and non-carcass percentage, fleshing index, dorsal fat thickness, rib eye area, marbling and cholesterol level of beef were analysed using analysis of variance with SAS software and continued with Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at 95% of convidence level. Results showed that the use of CPHCFBio up to 50% of corn straw can produce carcass which are in accordance with Indonesian National Standard (SNI) as followed: carcass percentage 52%, non-carcass percentage 37%, fleshing index 0.843%, rib eye area 58.103 cm2, dorsal fat thickness 2.66 mm, marbling score (3,337-3,717%) and cholesterol content (3,337-3,717%).