Plant based medicines have been used by mankind since ancient time. Herbs are the general way to support and maintain the body’s physiology. According to the report of World Health Organization (WHO), over 80 % of the world population relies on the traditional system of medicine, largely plant based, to meet their primary health care. The present research was designed to evaluate the phytochemical potential of the roots of Aconitum ferox. The plant was collected then identified and authenticated by a botanist Dr. Zia UlHasan at Department of Botany, Safia Science College, Bhopal (MP) with a voucher Specimen no. 316/Bot/Safia/12. It was extracted out by the soxhlet apparatus using different solvents including water and ethanol. The chemical tests were evaluated for detection of different constituents including alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, resins, steroids, carbohydrates, flavonoids, proteins and amino acids. The result demonstrated the successful presence of above constituents. The further research is suggested to isolate the chemical constituents responsible for the desired activity.