Background: Optimal blood usage gives better blood inventory and limits transfusion risks. Blood reservations for anticipated blood loss, often results in blood wastage and non-availability for the needy patients. Studying the current Clinical Transfusion Practice in Obstetrics would ensure appropriate blood usage.
Aim: To assess Red cell utilization and appropriateness in Obstetrics Transfusion Practice
Materials & Methods: Blood reservations for Obstetrics in-patients studied during August 2014-July 2015.Collected data on the clinical and blood transfusion particulars were analyzed for the Red Cell usage, its appropriateness assessed by RCOG’s Green-top guidelines no.47.Blood utilization indices calculated and compared with the standard cut – off values.
Results: Total Obstetrics in-patients with blood reservation - 1010. 96% of the patients transfused with blood components of various combinations. Anemia is the common indication for transfusion. 86.1% of transfused red cell units were for emergency LSCS. C/T Ratio -1.03, Transfusion Probability -96%. Transfusion Index -1.3, Single unit Transfusion Rate - 61.3%, Whole Blood Transfusion Rate - 6.9%. In appropriately transfused Red Cell units -28.6%.
Conclusion: Blood utilization indices were within normal limits. Inappropriate Red Cell use would get lessened, if transfusion deferred in
patients with Hemoglobin of more than 10 gm% and in asymptomatic anemic patients with Hemoglobin of 8-10 gm% in early pregnancy