Introduction: Impacted third molar surgery is one of the most common procedures performed by maxillofacial surgeons. It involves the elevation of a soft tissue flap, followed by adequate bone guttering and odontectomy which lead to soft tissue injury initiating process of inflammation. Hence, to minimize the unwanted effects of inflammation, it becomes essential to regulate the process of inflammation. Objective: To compare the efficacy of trypsin-chymotrypsin and dexamethasone on post operative pain, swelling and trismus following impacted mandibular third molar removal. Material and method: 50 patients divided into 25 eachas Dexamethasone group and chymoral forte group. Dexamethasone 1mg t.i.d. for five days post operatively and Chymoral forte 1:100000 armour units t.i.d for five days post operatively were prescribed to both groups. The effects of both the drugs on patients were studied using parameters pain, trismus and swelling. Statistics were collected and computed on 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th post operative days. Results: Sample comprising both groups were clinically analyzed for pain, swelling and trismus using VAS (visual analog scale) for pain, cheek girth and facial measurements for swelling, and inter incisal opening for trismus. Conclusion: No statistically significant difference noted between two groups with respect to pain and swelling, however in case of trismus there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups. Clinically patients on dexamethasone had better relief with regards to pain, trismus and swelling when compared to chymoral forte group. Use of Dexamethasone post operatively following surgical removal of mandibular third molar provided better relief with regards to the above parameters.