Background: Thrombocytopenia is a deficiency of platelets (thrombocytes), which increases the risk of bleeding. Aim: To study the incidence and management of Thrombocytopenia in Birth asphyxia of all term neonates admitted in SNCU, GGH Kurnool. Objectives: The main objective of the study is to collect data regarding the thrombocytopenia cases in the Sick New Born Care Unit. To assess the outcome of the management in the thrombocytopenia of the newborns. Methods: The data from medical records of all the cases of birth asphyxia admitted in SNCU, GGH, KURNOOL. Over the study period of six months were assessed and documented further study. The newborns were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Total admissions to the SNCU over the study period was 1750 with 150 reported cases of birth asphyxia and hence the incidence of birth asphyxia 60% and thrombocytopenia 40%. The newborns with thrombocytopenia as well as birth asphyxia involves 55(36.6%) males and 35(23.3%) females. The gestational age at delivery of cases ranged from 37<42 weeks. The total discharged thrombocytopenia cases in the overall population are 68 and the remaining 20 cases were expired. The good management was observed in this study. Conclusion: This study concludes that the management methods included in SNCU, GGH, Kurnool were innovative. Thus good management was recorded in this study.